Green tie about more than just game day for football program
Savannah Libby | The Chronicle

High School football is about tradition and for the past twelve years since Brian Castner took over as head football coach one of those traditions has been the game day attire of the players on the Mason football team.
While most high school football teams allow players to wear their jerseys to school on game day in anticipation of that night’s game, it’s not that way at Mason High School.
Mason players are required to wear the business casual attire of green ties, khaki pants with a white shirt.
Castner said that he believes that it is important to dress for success and understands that on gameday the team needs to show up ready.
“I think the biggest point that we’re trying to stress is that it’s time to go to work,” Castner said. “We want to look sharp, it’s kind of that workman’s type mentality, and we want to dress for success.”
The green tie on game day is a symbol of unity that tells the school that it is time to get down to business and head into the game with a professional mentality. As the Mason football program celebrates it’s 60th anniversary Castner said that he encourages players to wear their green ties on game day in order to remember those who came before them in the program.
“It’s important for our players to wear with pride a symbol that honors the proud history of this program,” Castner said. “By wearing the tie and dressing professionally it sends a message that we’re honored to represent all those players who came before.”
The importance of traditions such as participating in a walk and talk or wearing the green tie on the game day goes beyond just football.
Castner believes that by wearing business attire on game day creates an attitude that will be beneficial in the development of the whole athlete now and in the future.
“You know everybody’s goal is to attack each day and be that better human being,” Castner said. “To be the best human being that you could possibly be every day and that’s what they’re doing at that next chapter in their lives.”
Junior defensive linemen Aaron Spears believes dressing for success gives him a mentality of confidence on game day.
“It makes you feel more professional, and it gives you a chip on your shoulder,” Spears said. “It gives me a reason to play football on a Friday night.”
For the past 12 years Mason football, players have had to learn how to tie a tie and suit up in their green tie and khakis before strapping on the pads and football helmet.
Spears said that he feels a sense of honor and pride every time he gets to wear the tie, and has never felt that it was something that the team was forced to do.
̈It’s been around for so long, ̈”Spears said. ̈I guess it comes like second nature, I don’t feel like it’s a burden, I feel like I get to do it instead of having to do it. “
Junior linemen Ethan Le feels the players style of dress sends a message to the younger players in the program. Lee remembers when he was a younger player who looked up to the high school players and he couldn’t wait to one day put on his own green tie and khakis.
“I wear the tie because it symbolizes more than just a tie. It’s a bigger picture, it’s previous generations of players, and makes us look like good role models,” Le said. “I had role models when I was a freshman and sophomore, I looked up to the seniors, and then they taught me valuable life lessons, and it’s just like all of that comes together, it’s in one tie.”
Photo contributed by Savannah Libby