Chronicle Policy
The Chronicle is the official student newspaper of William Mason High School
The Chronicle is produced by students enrolled in Journalism I, II and III.
Editorials reflect the staff’s opinion but do not necessarily reflect the opinions of school administration or the Mason City School District.
The Chronicle is published monthly. Call 398-5025 ext. 33106 for information regarding advertising in The Chronicle. The Chronicle reserves the right to refuse advertising we deem inappropriate for a high school publication.
As an open forum for students, letters to the editor are welcome, but are subject to be edited for length, libel, obscenity, clarity and poor taste. Letters to the editor may be dropped off in room C106 and must be signed.
The Chronicle is a member of The Columbia Scholastic Press Association, The National Scholastic Press Association, Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society for High School Journalists and the Journalism Association for Ohio Schools.