Artist Spotlight: Conan Gray
Josie Lorenz | The Chronicle
Pop artist Conan Gray has used his music to connect to young teenage heartbreak since his 2017 debut. He contrasts his soft voice during the verses with powerful and emotional hooks, which is best exemplified by songs like his 2022 single “Jigsaw”. One of his most well-known songs, “Heather” from the album Kid Krow, launched him into the spotlight while it went viral on social media back in 2020. His utilization of background vocals and percussion in songs like “People Watching”, a song that has crossed over 100 million plays, is additionally stellar and is what separates Gray from his peers. Conan is to release a new album this June called Superache when his current tour is complete. If the newly released “Memories” is any indication of Superache’s sound, his upcoming project will consist of powerful piano melodies and slow percussion to enhance his melancholic lyrics.
Sunset Season (2018) Conan Gray Kid Krow (2020)